What Our Clients Say

We are proud of the work that we do at Building Value because we know it’s making a difference. But why take our word for it?

Our clients are the best voices to tell how we are changing real lives and having an impact on the environment.

“Workforce development is not for the faint of heart. It takes hard work as well as grace and understanding…and a great partner like Building Value.” Click photo to read more.

“At Children’s, we’re about building a sustainable workforce that can help meet our needs now and well into the future – and partners like Building Value enable us to do exactly that.” Click photo to read more.

“I challenge other Cincinnati’s executives to be part of the solution by partnering with Building Value to reduce what goes in the landfill and to donate items to their retail store for resale.” Click photo to read more.

“I can’t help but be enthusiastic about Building Value’s ability to give people a second chance. This program removes barriers to a promising career that can change the trajectory of a person’s life.” Click photo to read more.

“Building Value gives me peace of mind. They do a great job, help me decrease costs, and reduce what goes in the landfill. What could be better than that?” Click photo to read more.

“The store’s popularity is proof that building materials are both recyclable and desirable. People are happy to pay for unique materials that came from dismantled buildings.” Click photo to read more.

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